The story revolve around a group of campers or a family retreating to a remote forest area, unaware of the Wendigoβs presence in the region. As they settle in, strange occurrences and eerie sightings begin to unsettle them. Soon, they encounter tales from local residents about a demonic creature that prowls the woods, feasting on human flesh. The characters are confronted with visions of the monster and, in some cases, fall prey to the curse themselvesβfeeling the pull toward cannibalism as a way to survive.
The film could delve into the psychological horror of the Wendigo’s influence, with characters turning against one another as fear takes over, and the line between humanity and monster blurs. The story may emphasize themes of greed, survival, and the loss of self, with the Wendigo serving as a symbolic reminder of unchecked hunger and desperation.