The Beekeeper is a 2024 American action thriller film directed by David Ayer and written by Kurt Wimmer. The film stars Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman. When his kind-hearted landlady dies by suicide after losing her charity’s funds to a phishing scam, Adam Clay, a former “Beekeeper” operative, sets out on a brutal campaign for revenge upon those responsible.
The Beekeeper was areleased in the United States by Amazon MGM Studios under the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer label on January 12, 2024. The film grossed $152.7 million worldwide, making it the tenth-highest-grossing film of 2024.
Brace for action in The Beekeeper 2! An exclusive look at the movie trailer, unveil the release date, and meet the stellar cast featuring Jason Statham, Josh Hutcherson, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Amber Sienna, and more. The big question – will there be a part 2 of The Beekeeper?
The Beekeeper is a American action thriller film directed by David Ayer and written by Kurt Wimmer. The film stars Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman.When his kind-hearted landlady dies by suicide after losing her charity’s funds to a phishing scam, Adam Clay, a former “#Beekeeper” operative, sets out on a brutal campaign for revenge upon those responsible.Brace for action in The Beekeeper 2! An exclusive look at the movie trailer, unveil the release date, and meet the stellar cast featuring Jason Statham, Josh Hutcherson, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Amber Sienna, and more. The big question – will there be a part 2 of The Beekeeper?