Cupid (2020) is a British horror film directed by Scott Jeffrey. The film takes the classic concept of Cupid—the god of love—and twists it into a horror story about vengeance and supernatural terror, with Cupid reimagined as a sinister figure who punishes those who misuse love.
Plot Summary:
The story follows Faye, a high school student who experiences relentless bullying and unrequited love. After a particularly harsh prank by her classmates, Faye, devastated, attempts a ritual to summon dark forces to exact revenge. Unbeknownst to her, the ritual calls forth an evil version of Cupid, who is not the cherubic matchmaker but a bloodthirsty creature who hunts down those responsible for breaking hearts.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, Cupid begins targeting Faye’s classmates, killing anyone he deems guilty of misusing or abusing love. Faye soon realizes the power she unleashed is far beyond her control and must find a way to stop Cupid’s rampage before it’s too late.