Beetlejuice 2, officially titled Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, is a highly anticipated sequel to Tim Burton’s 1988 cult classic. Scheduled for release in 2024, the film revisits the eccentric world of the afterlife with some returning favorites and exciting new characters.
The story follows Lydia Deetz (Winona Ryder), now an adult hosting a paranormal investigation show while raising her skeptical teenage daughter, Astrid (played by Jenna Ortega). Astrid’s disbelief in the supernatural takes a dramatic turn when she is drawn into the afterlife, forcing Lydia to seek help from the chaotic ghost, Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton). The narrative introduces new characters like Delores, Beetlejuice’s wife (Monica Bellucci), and afterlife law officer Wolf Jackson (Willem Dafoe)​