APEX is a fantasy adventure film set to release in 2025, starring the iconic Angelina Jolie in the lead role. The story follows Selene, an immortal warrior from an ancient lineage destined to protect the balance between two worlds: the human realm and a mystical land known as Apex.
After centuries of isolation, Selene is forced to emerge when an ancient dark force known as Umbra rises, threatening to destroy both worlds. To prevent the apocalypse, Selene must join forces with a diverse group of warriors, including humans and supernatural beings, while uncovering the secrets of her own bloodline and destiny.
The film takes viewers through breathtaking settings, from modern cities to vividly imagined mystical landscapes. With thrilling battle scenes and a compelling narrative of sacrifice, courage, and the true meaning of power, APEX promises to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Featuring Angelina Jolie’s outstanding portrayal of a powerful yet deeply complex heroine, APEX is poised to captivate fans of action and fantasy alike. This is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated films of 2025!