Van Helsing 2 (2025) continues the story of the legendary monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing, portrayed by Hugh Jackman. After the events of the first film, Van Helsing returns to face a new terrifying threat. This time, he not only battles supernatural creatures such as vampires and werewolves but also confronts ancient dark forces that have been awakened from the past.
In this sequel, Van Helsing embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the resurrection of an ancient witch who threatens to destroy humanity. With his bravery and monster-hunting skills, Van Helsing faces powerful and mysterious enemies unlike anything he’s encountered before. The film promises to deliver thrilling action sequences and intense showdowns between humans and supernatural forces.
With Hugh Jackman reprising his role, Van Helsing 2 is set to be a gripping journey, blending action, adventure, and horror elements. Fans can expect an exciting and thrilling new adventure.