“Pechi” revolves around a young woman who moves into a seemingly idyllic house, eager for a fresh start. However, her excitement quickly turns to dread as she begins to experience strange occurrences that hint at a dark past lurking within the walls.
As she settles in, unsettling phenomena—such as unexplained noises, chilling apparitions, and eerie shadows—start to plague her. With each passing day, the situation escalates, and she realizes that she may not be alone in the house. Desperate for answers, she delves into the history of her new home, uncovering its connection to ancient folklore and tragic events that occurred long before her arrival.
Throughout her journey, she encounters local residents who share chilling tales about the house, hinting at the presence of a restless spirit tied to a haunting secret. As she grapples with her own fears and doubts, she must confront the malevolent force that threatens her very existence.