Charlie Charlie takes the age-old urban legend of the “Charlie Charlie” game and turns it into a terrifying supernatural experience. The film revolves around a group of high school friends who, during a sleepover, decide to experiment with the infamous game, which is said to summon an entity known as “Charlie.” This seemingly innocent game, where players place two pencils on a piece of paper with “Yes” and “No” written on it, is meant to answer yes-or-no questions by allowing the pencils to move on their own. However, what begins as a harmless game quickly spirals into a nightmare.
The group—initially skeptical—begins by asking trivial questions. But when they push their luck and ask more personal, dark questions, they unknowingly invite a malevolent spirit into their lives. At first, the answers seem random, and the friends laugh it off, assuming it’s just a trick or coincidence. But soon, the pencils begin to move with alarming precision, and the atmosphere turns chilling.