Get ready for a magical journey into the beloved fairy tale world of “Snow White.” The highly anticipated live-action adaptation is set to star Rachel Zegler as Snow White and Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen, promising a fresh and enchanting take on the classic story.
Rachel Zegler, who rose to fame with her stunning performance in Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story,” is set to bring her incredible talent and charm to the role of Snow White. With her captivating voice and natural grace, Zegler is poised to embody the innocence and resilience of Disney’s first princess, bringing a new depth to the iconic character.
In a casting move that has fans buzzing, Gal Gadot will take on the role of the Evil Queen. Known for her powerful performances as Wonder Woman, Gadot’s portrayal of the villainous queen is expected to be both menacing and mesmerizing. Her ability to balance strength and complexity makes her a perfect fit for the role, promising a multifaceted villain who will stop at nothing to be the fairest of them all.