Digging to Death is a psychological horror film that follows the downward spiral of a man whose innocent obsession with digging turns into a life-threatening nightmare. The story centers around David, an ordinary man with a quiet, uneventful life, who unexpectedly becomes fixated on digging holes in his backyard. What starts as a simple project to renovate his property gradually morphs into a disturbing obsession that consumes him.
David begins digging deeper and deeper, motivated by an inexplicable compulsion, unable to stop despite the mounting strain on his personal life and relationships. He isolates himself from his family and friends, and his mental state deteriorates as he continues to unearth strange objects buried in the earth—each discovery more bizarre and unsettling than the last.
As David digs, he begins to experience vivid hallucinations and disturbing visions, which suggest that the ground is hiding more than just forgotten debris. His obsession intensifies, and it becomes clear that the deeper he digs, the more he uncovers the darker corners of his own psyche. Soon, David discovers something far more sinister buried beneath the surface—a malevolent force that seems to have been awakened by his relentless digging. This entity, once dormant, now seems intent on taking control of David’s mind and soul.
The deeper David goes, the more the boundary between the real world and his descent into madness becomes blurred. His obsession drives him to dangerous extremes, and he starts to question whether the horrors he experiences are real or just figments of his deteriorating mind. As his family grows increasingly concerned and his life unravels, David must face the terrifying truth about what he has unleashed—and whether he can survive the consequences of digging into something that was never meant to be disturbed.