Hatching (2022) is a chilling psychological horror film that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Directed by Hanna Bergholm, this unique and disturbing tale delves deep into the dark side of family dynamics, identity, and the lengths one will go to for perfection. The film follows 12-year-old Tinja, played by Siiri Solalinna, whose seemingly perfect life unravels when she discovers a mysterious egg in the forest. As the egg hatches, an unsettling creature begins to emerge, marking the beginning of a terrifying journey that will blur the line between reality and nightmare.
The film is a haunting exploration of control, motherhood, and the pressures of maintaining a flawless facade. Tinja’s relationship with her controlling mother and her desperate desire for approval create a tense atmosphere that gradually builds to an explosive climax. The film’s eerie visuals and unsettling tone perfectly complement its themes, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after the credits roll.