South Park: The Movie (2025) is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated animated comedies of the year. With a production budget of $100 million, the creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have gone all out to deliver a cinematic experience that stays true to the irreverent humor and satirical brilliance of the beloved series. The budget has been allocated to enhance the animation quality, introduce new characters voiced by Jonah Hill and Michael Cera, and create a larger-than-life storyline that pushes the boundaries of the South Park universe. According to, this significant investment also includes a global marketing campaign to ensure the film reaches audiences far beyond the show’s loyal fan base.
The release date for South Park: The Movie (2025) is set for July 25, 2025, perfectly timed to capitalize on the summer blockbuster season. This strategic release date positions the film to attract both long-time fans of the series and new viewers looking for a hilarious and outrageous escape. Early teasers and trailers have already generated massive buzz online, with millions of views and widespread discussions on social media. As reported by, the film’s marketing campaign has been one of the most extensive for an animated feature, ensuring it remains a hot topic leading up to its release.
The success story of South Park: The Movie (2025) is already being written. The original South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) was a critical and commercial success, and this sequel is expected to surpass it in every way. With a loyal fan base spanning decades and the addition of high-profile talent like Jonah Hill and Michael Cera, projections suggest the film will generate over $400 million in global revenue. As highlighted by, the combination of sharp social commentary, outrageous humor, and a star-studded cast ensures that South Park: The Movie (2025) will be a massive hit, solidifying its place as one of the standout animated films of the decade.