The official trailer of Drishyam 3 has just been released, and it does not disappoint, maintaining the suspense, intensity, and unpredictable twists that made the original film so captivating. With the return of beloved characters, including Ajay Devgn as Vijay Salgaonkar, Tabu, Shriya Saran, and the addition of Akshay Khanna, the film promises to deliver another thrilling battle between intelligence and justice.
The trailer begins with a tense atmosphere as secrets from the past begin to unravel. What seemed like resolved issues from previous installments lead the audience into an even more complicated web. Particularly, the introduction of Akshay Khanna as a new adversary raises the stakes for this third chapter.
As always, the film delivers gripping moments that put viewers in morally ambiguous situations, forcing them to choose between uncovering the truth and protecting dark secrets. The trailer’s suspenseful moments create an atmosphere that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, unsure of what’s to come.