
One Piece: How The World Will Sink, Explained

The One Piece world is sinking under the sea. Here’s everything you need to know.

One Piece chapter 1113 was absolutely massive in many ways, and the most important part of the chapter came right towards the end, where Vegapunk made a massive announcement, or at least got to the beginning of it.

This massive announcement shocked the entire world, and the gist of it was that the entire world was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean, this announcement was absolutely pivotal to the story moving forward in many ways. While right now, this makes little sense to the fans, there is absolutely a way in which the world can sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Vegapunk’s Message

Vegapunk’s Message Finally Came Out After Months Of Waiting

Vegapunk’s message was teased a few chapters ago in One Piece. The beginning of the message is what summoned all the Five Elders to Egghead Island in the first place. The message was of such importance that the members of the Elders simply could not sit by and await its coming. Instead, all of them decided that it was the right time for them to move, and thanks to Saturn, all of them were summoned to Egghead Island. From there onwards, the Five Elders decided to make their move and try to subdue every threat on the island. For instance, V. Nusjuro started taking down the Pacifistas and making sure that they were out of service. At the same time, Ju Peter and Warcury focused on Luffy.

Marcus Mars went to the Labophase to destroy the Den Den Mushi, and at the same time, Saturn did bits here and there. While he was focused on Luffy at first, now he has turned his attention to Nico Robin. Either way, their appearance on Egghead Island just goes to show how massive Vegapunk’s message is, and in One Piece chapter 1113, fans finally found out what it is that Vegapunk was going to say to the world.

Let me cut to the chase. Our world is going to sink into the ocean!!

The first thing that fans must remember is that the entire message isn’t out yet. There are a lot of specifics that still need to be worked over. The context for a lot of things is still up in the air, however, the gist of the message is that the world of One Piece is going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. This is an absolutely massive message and something that will inevitably end up shocking the entire world. Fans have not seen the proper reaction of the world to this message, however, either way fans look at it, this is going to be absolutely huge. The first thing that fans might wonder when it comes to this message is how it is even possible for the world to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

After all, the world could be ravaged by wars all over and still not sink. There must be something special that causes this phenomenon to occur, and there certainly is. In fact, it has been in front of the fans for quite a while now and there are many ways in which the world can actually go to the bottom of the ocean.

The Rising Sea Levels In One Piece

The Sea Levels Have Been Gradually Rising Over The Years

The sea levels in the One Piece world have been rising for quite a while. This is actually not anything new. In the Water 7 Arc, Iceberg clearly mentions that the sea levels have been getting higher with time. These sea levels have caused the tides to be higher, and storms such as Aqua Laguna have started to get more dangerous. Fans have seen before in Water 7 that the level used to be far lower years ago. However, with time, the sea level started to rise, and engulfed the old Water 7, which required the new one to be built above. It is clear for the fans to see that the sea levels are continuously rising and will continue to rise further in the upcoming years. This is one of the reasons why Iceberg even wanted to build a floating city, which is, Water 7.

At the same time, the rising sea levels have been further accelerated by the recent events of the One Piece world. The destruction of Lulusia saw a massive rise in water levels up to as much as 1 meter, which led to several islands being swallowed up by the ocean already. This was because the Mother Flame that was used by Imu on Lulusia was that powerful. Currently, Egghead Island holds the capabilities to produce more of this Mother Flame, and if that were to be the case, then one could understand very well what could go wrong.

The Five Elders have clearly made it known that their desire is to crush those who show signs of rebellion. As such, the usage of Mother Flame that fans saw at the beginning of the Egghead Island arc was not the very first one and it certainly is not going to be the very last one. If this continues to happen, the sea level is definitely going to rise by several meters, and then, the result is going to be a complete submerging of the entire world.

The Ancient Weapons And The Sinking Of The World

The Fate Of The World Of One Piece Is Tied To The Ancient Weapons

Essentially, the sinking of the world is deeply tied to the usage of Ancient Weapons. The Ancient Weapons have been used by individuals in the past. They were built by the people of the Ancient Kingdom, however, two of them are actually harmless, at least right now. Pluto sleeps under Wano, and at the same time, Poseidon is Luffy’s very biggest ally, and would certainly never do something that harms the world. Uranus, however, is in possession of Imu, and the Mother Flame might actually be what powers the Uranus and allows it to hurl powerful shots capable of wiping out entire islands. With the power of this Uranus, the world can actually sink.

If the truth about the world actually gets out and the World Government finds themselves backed into a corner, then they have no choice but to unleash the Mother Flame on the world. With this power, they can sink all the islands that rebel against them, and that will inevitably cause the sea level to rise tremendously. The sinking of the world could thus be tied to the World Government erasing signs of rebellion. Fans know that they have previously done this as well. This is why there is a massive hole under Enies Lobby, however, there is also another massive phenomenon that occurs there and that is the fact that this island never sees night. As to why that is, fans do not know at this point, however, it could be directly tied to the fact that the water levels are rising All over the world.

Perhaps, it is because of the hole that was caused by the Ancient Weapon long ago under Enies Lobby that the water levels there have been rising. Now that this weapon has been used again, the water levels will most likely continue to rise following the latest massive strike, especially around the former Kingdom of Lulusia and the neighboring countries. If more of this weapon is used, then more destruction will follow.

Another thing that fans need to consider is that Pluton will be unleashed at some point and this powerful weapon holds the capabilities of wiping out entire kingdoms with a single strike too. Pluton could potentially even destroy the Red Line, and if that were to be the case, then the Red Line being destroyed could also cause the water levels to rise. The world of One Piece will inevitably end up sinking, and how one could stop it, no one can tell.

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