
“The World Will Sink”: Vegapunk’s Message In One Piece Reveals The World Government’s True Plan

Vegapunk’s message has revealed a shocking revelation about the world of One Piece which may be in danger from the Five Elders’ insidious plan.

One Piece has finally revealed what Vegapunk’s message to the world entails, and it exposes the World Government’s true evil plan. Just when it seemed like the Egghead Arc could not possibly get any more chaotic, Dr. Vegapunk went ahead and proved fans wrong yet again with his peculiar message addressed to the world in which he threatened to reveal the truth of the world. Finally, nearly five chapters later, Vegapunk’s message has begun at last, and it might expose the World Government’s dirtiest secrets.

In chapter #1113, Vegapunk finally begins his message and reveals that the world of One Piece is going to sink into the ocean. While water levels have been rising in One Piece for quite some time, Vegapunk’s message denotes a sense of urgency, implying that this issue may have just gotten worse and the ones responsible may be none other than the World Government, specifically the Five Elders and Imu.

It is possible that the reason the world of One Piece is going to sink is because of the weapon used to destroy Lulusia, which caused a global rise in sea levels. Vegapunk’s message may even be a warning against the Five Elders’ plans to conduct a “great cleansing” using the Mother Flame, which, if used indiscriminately, could very well sink the whole world.

One Piece’s World May Be Sinking Because of the World Government

Vegapunk’s Message is Connected to Lulusia’s Destruction with the Mother Flame

As seen in chapter #1089, the destruction of Lulusia caused an immense earthquake which was felt across the four seas. The earthquake even led to the sea levels rising by one whole meter across the world of One Piece. Many islands were flooded and people were even forced to evacuate, causing widespread panic.

Though the chapter is subtle about it claiming that the earthquake and the destruction of Lulusia could be unrelated, the gaping hole in the sea where the island once stood and Vegapunk’s message in the latest chapter seemingly confirm the World Government was directly responsible for this rise in sea levels.

Furthermore, the fact that these events were inserted into the Egghead Arc suggests they may have some direct significance to the main storyline. One Piece‘s minor arcs always serve to set up little details that come into play in a subsequent major arc. In this case, showcasing the destruction of Lulusia right before the Egghead Arc and its consequences may have been intended to set up Vegapunk’s message all along.

The World Government’s Reckless Warfare Will Destroy the World of One Piece

The Great Cleansing Will Cause the World to Sink as Vegapunk Claims

In chapter #908, as the Five Elders prepare to meet King Cobra, they discuss how the Nefertari family are traitors for choosing not to live in Mariejois. Saint Saturn also mentions the upheaval caused since the Paramount War when Saint Nusjuro curiously cites the need for a “great cleansing”, claiming that the world may not be able to maintain peace and balance any longer.

This is likely a reference to the upheaval caused by the new generation of pirates, particularly the Worst Generation, who went on to confirm the Five Elders’ fears in the chapters to come. Luffy awakened the Nika Fruit and defeated Kaido, Kid and Law took down Big Mom, and Blackbeard caused more trouble than one could keep up with. Roger, Whitebeard, and Oden all seemed to have predicted this upcoming storm and the World Government’s great cleansing may be an extreme, last-ditch effort to quell every sign of opposition or rebellion to try and avoid this storm.

The Mother Flame created by Vegapunk clearly plays a crucial role in the World Government’s big plan, given that their current top priority is to ensure that Punk Records, the power plant that fuels the Mother Flame, and York’s safety so that they can continue to replicate it. It is possible that Vegapunk foresaw his creation being used indiscriminately after his death and thus chose to reveal the World Government’s evil doings as well as Ohara’s findings to warn the world of the destruction to come.

Nonetheless, Vegapunk’s message is poised to turn the world of One Piece upside down. Though only a glimpse of the message has been revealed thus far, the entire truth could shatter the World Government’s carefully crafted facade, especially if Vegapunk intends to reveal Ohara’s findings as well.

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