
15 Things You Didn’t Know About How Vegeta And Bulma Fell In Love In Dragon Ball Z

One of the most popular couples in the entire series of Dragon Ball Z is that of the Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta, and the brilliant scientist, Bulma Brief. Once Vegeta returns to Earth to train at the Capsule Corporation after the Z Fighters battle with the Androids, he and Bulma get to know one another more personally. However, little is known about how their relationship came to be since it is not explained in the anime or the manga.

There is a fan-made doujinshi, or comic, titled ‘First Kiss‘ by hobbyist and digital artist on ‘LongLoveVegeta’ that has gained much popularity and helps to shed some light on this mystery. The full doujinshi is no longer available to read online in its entirety, but the first few chapters can be read on Deviantart here. In an attempt to explain how Vegeta and Bulma ended up falling in love, getting married, and starting a family, there is an analysis of this fan-made comic and other well-thought-out theories.

Updated on May 16, 2024 by Antonio Samson: Vegeta and Bulma’s relationship is one of the most surprising yet solid in Dragon Ball. Although they started off on rocky terms, they both learned how to love each other. Bulma has been one of the leading causes of Vegeta’s character growth throughout the series. This list has been updated to include new entries for their relationship and to meet CBR’s most recent standards for formatting.

15Vegeta Wasn’t Bulma’s First Serious Relationship

Bulma Actually Broke Up With Yamcha To Be With Vegeta


First Apparence

First Interaction with Bulma


Dragon Ball: Ep 5 “Yamcha the Desert Bandit”

Dragon Ball: Ep 5 “Yamcha the Desert Bandit”


Dragon Ball Z: Ep 2 “Reunions”

Dragon Ball Z: Ep 56 “Zarbon’s Mission


10 Worst Beatings Vegeta Suffered in Dragon Ball Z

Despite being one of Dragon Ball’s strongest fighters, Vegeta constantly found himself on the receiving end of the worst beatings in DBZ.

As mentioned, after the Z Fighters battle with the Androids, Vegeta decides to train extensively in the gravity chamber at the Capsule Corporation, where Bulma lives with her mother and father. At this time, Bulma is in a relationship with Yamcha, and they have been in an on-and-off relationship for about ten years. Now, Bulma had become fed up with his womanizing and lack of commitment.

As stated in the ‘First Kiss’ fan comic, after Bulma becomes stand-offish towards him, Yamcha calls her one evening to try and smooth things over, but she hangs upon him, not due to her not wanting to hear him out, but actually because she could not hear him in her loud laboratory. Yamcha takes this as the end, and they break up.

14If Not For The Gravity Chamber, Vegeta Would Have Never Met Bulma

Bulma Quickly Learned The Way To Vegeta’s Heart Was Through Training

If it hadn’t been for the advanced equipment created at Capsule Corps, Vegeta wouldn’t have utilized it and would have gotten to know Bulma better. A device developed by Dr. Brief, Bulma’s father, made it so fighters could train in a secluded environment under powerful gravity, more so than Earth’s, to raise their strength and power level swiftly.

Vegeta trained for most of the day and as high as one-hundred-and-fifty times the Earth’s gravity. However, this is the second model because Goku broke the first. This model was made specifically for Vegeta’s training, and on one occasion, Yamcha tried to train in it out of spite and was amazed that Vegeta could train in such a place, as it was too overwhelming.

13Bulma Taking Care of Vegeta Lead Their “First Kiss”

Vegeta and Yamcha Faught for Bulma’s Heart

Returning to the fan-made comic that was previously mentioned, the story makes a lot of sense and fits the flow of the series well, so it has become very popular with fans of this couple. Vegeta returns to Earth to train using the gravity chamber at the Capsule Corporation. On many occasions, Yamcha and Vegeta argue in front of Bulma. Vegeta remarks that Yamcha is weak due to his lack of motivation and training, which is true. Vegeta broke the gravity chamber due to overuse, and Dr. Brief took time to repair it.

In the meantime, with Vegeta not having much to do, he would chat with Bulma as she created new armor for him. They started talking more bit by bit over the next few days, and Bulma would even make his meals. Vegeta was not so pleasant to be around at this time in the series and would be disrespectful towards Bulma quite often. Bulma and Yamcha break up due to his womanizing, and Yamcha then picks a fight with Vegeta, which he loses miserably. Bulma then treats Vegeta’s wounds.

12Bulma’s First Move Surprised Vegeta After his Fight

Bulma’s Kiss fixed Vegeta’s Wounds and Heart


How Did Goku Get The Heart Virus In Dragon Ball Z?

Though Goku defeated many mighty foes in Dragon Ball Z, one enemy that almost killed two versions of him was a mysterious but deadly disease.

In the fan comic, after Bulma treats Vegeta’s wounds, which is quite difficult in itself since the Saiyan Elite has difficulty with any type of physical contact, she boldly moves in for a kiss. Taking him by surprise, she succeeds in planting one on him. Of course, Vegeta becomes frazzled and backs away, and an argument ensues.

Bulma thought that he must have been homo𝑠e𝑥ual, due to him not trying anything with her sooner. The remark only served to upset Vegeta even more. Ultimately, their relationship grows more and more, and Bulma becomes pregnant with their first child. Although their fiestiness towards each other may seem odd, as the series progresses, fans can tell that their small arguments are their way of flirting and showing that they care for each other.

11Bulma and Vegeta Had A Son Together Named Trunks

Vegeta’s Struggle with Fatherhood was a Turning Point

About one year after Future Trunks kills Cyber Frieza and King Cold, Trunks is born. Fans are not sure of the time when he was conceived exactly, but it must have been the time between Bulma breaking up with Yamcha and Vegeta confining in her due to his frustrations on not being able to turn Super Saiyan as Goku has.

Within a short time, Trunks is conceived, and Vegeta flees to space for a year before returning to Earth. Upon his return, he is told about the infant Trunks and does not seem to care. At this point, Bulma and Vegeta’s relationship becomes strained and distant. However, Vegeta sticks around where he could have easily left them behind, showcasign that he does care about them slightly for now.

10Vegeta Finally Realizes He Loves Bulma After the Cell Games

Vegeta Opens Up his Heart to Bulma After her Support

During the Cell Games, Bulma is seen in the audience cheering Vegeta on despite their current rocky relationship. After the games, Vegeta realizes that he has been foolish and reconciles with Bulma, vowing to become a better man and caring for his son. This is when Vegtea starts to care about his family more than himself, a sentiment that will only grow as time passes.

Vegeta also notes that he is attracted to Bulma because of her overbearing personality. He is also physically attracted to her, which is the perfect lead in for them to continue their relationship. After that, at some point, they are married and eventually have another child together, Bulla.

9Vegeta Almost Killed Bulma On Namek for the Dragon Balls

Bulma and Vegeta Were Enemies Before Lovers

Vegeta and Bulma first met briefly on Planet Namek; however, at this point, he did not know her name. Bulma had been hiding out in a cave on Namek to keep safe, and at one point, Vegeta followed Krillin there without his knowledge to try and steal the Dragon Balls from him.

Bulma is there, and he threatens to kill her if Krillin doesn’t hand over the ball. The enemy Zarbon also shows up to take the ball, and of course, due to his good looks, Bulma flaunts him and thinks he will be her ‘knight in shining armor.’ However, fans are unsure if Vegeta remembers Bulma from this brief encounter.

8Vegeta Finds New Strength Through Family And Love

Vegeta Is Motivated To Protect Bulma And The Rest of his Family


Why Vegeta Is A Better Main Character Than Goku In Dragon Ball Super

Goku is the main character of Dragon Ball and has been for forty years, but is that the best move in Super?

Bulma and Vegeta had a rough start due to his blatant disregard for her or their son and only caring about his training. Bulma had said on multiple occasions that he was plenty strong and didn’t have to push himself so hard in the gravity chamber. Vegeta was too overcome by pride and was always focused on overcoming his limitations to listen.

As their relationship progresses after they are wed, Vegeta still trains, and even though it may look to Bulma like he is ignoring his responsibilities as a father and husband, he insists that he is training so he can protect them. Vegeta may seem cold and distant most of the time, it even seems like he doesn’t care. However, Vegeta wants to get stronger for his family, which is his way of showing he cares.

7Bulma and Vegeta Have a Unconventional Relationship, But a Strong One

They Had Trunks Before They Were Officially Together

Unlike the other relationships of Dragon Ball, Vegeta and Bulma’s first child, Trunks, was born out of wedlock. The two were not married at the time of his conception, and it was most likely that they were in a heated affair during the brief time between Bulma’s breakup with Yamcha and Vegeta leaving Earth to train.

Even though their relationship is unconventional, they are the most developed couple in the series, from hating to loving each other. A lot of fans even prefer Vegeta and Bulma’s relationship compared to Goku and Chi-Chi, since Vegeta is more of a family man. Vegeta is willing to put his training aside for his family while the same can’t be sad about Goku.

6Vegeta Sacrifices Himself to Protect his Family from Buu

Vegeta Realizes how Much he Loves Bulma and Trunks at the End

During the Majin Buu arc, Vegeta allows Bobbidi to possess him so he can finally become stronger than Goku. Although this brings him back to his villainous ways, he quickly realizes how dangerous Majin Buu is and worries about his family. After Goku is defeated, Vegeta finally gets rid of his pride and is willing to sacrifice himself to destroy Buu and protect the ones he loves.

In his final moments, he says, “Trunks, Bulma, I will do this for you.” This fully completes his character arc of only caring about being the strongest warrior to a husband and father willing to die for his family. Vegeta went from one of the series’ most dangerous villains, to a man doing anything he can to protect those he cares about.

5Vegeta Takes his Family to the Amusement Park for the Day

Although he Hates it, Vegeta Wants his Family Happy

Although Vegeta is very proud of his Saiyan heritage, he will put it aside to ensure his family is happy. Amusement parks aren’t Vegeta’s idea of a good time. In fact, he hates them. However, he made a promise to Trunks and Bulma that they would spend the whole day at one. Even though Vegeta is visibly upset the entire time, he sticks it out so Trunks and Bulma can be happy.

Even though this may seem like a small unimportant scene played for laughs, this Vegeta is a completey different person than the one we were introduced to. The Prince of All Saiyans has given up his pride to bring joy to Bulma and Trunks. Bulma realizes how much Vegeta doesn’t like traditional family time but is very appreciative of it, showing that they’re both willing to accommodate their wants and needs for each other.

4Picking A Fight With A God Of Destruction for Bulma

Bulma’s Love Makes Vegeta Stronger than Goku

During one of Bulma’s birthday parties, a fight between Vegeta and Beerus, a God of Destruction, ensues over something as trivial as a pudding cup. Accusing them of ruining her part of this petty squabble, Bulma confronts Beerus, not knowing he is a God, and slaps him in the face. Vegeta looks on in horror and begs him not to hurt her, but Beerus slaps her back.

Bulma is knocked unconscious, and Vegeta cries out in rage over her. To everyone’s surprise, Vegeta turns into Super Saiyan and attacks him, landing some blows. Master Roshi exclaims that his anger over his wife being hit has made him stronger than Goku. Beerus is not hurt at all, but Vegeta did put up a decent fight.

3Vegeta and Bulma Have Another Kid After they Get Closer

Vegeta is a Better Father and Husband than Before

When Trunks was born, it’s no surprise that Vegeta wasn’t the best father at first. However, as time passed, his love for Trunks and Bulma grew. This even led to Vegeta and Bulma having another kid, Bulla. However, when Bulma is about to give birth, Vegeta refuses to enter the upcoming Tournament of Power so he can be by Bulma’s side when she gives birth.

This makes Whis use his powers to help deliver their baby. After Bulla is born, Vegeta takes her from Trunks and says that’s not how you hold her. This shows that Vegeta has grown to be a loving father, with even Trunks stating that he’s good at it. Although Vegeta scoffs at his remark, fans can tell that he’s happy.

2Vegeta Admits he Likes Bulma’s Feisty Personality to Goku

Vegeta says Sayains are Wired to Like Strong Women

Goku vs Vegeta – Dragon Ball Z Kai (Clip)RELATED

10 Dragon Ball Characters Who Only Made it Because of Hard Work

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is full of powerful characters, but some have only acquired such strength because of putting in hard work.

Vegeta is never one to openly talk about his feelings, especially when it comes to his relationship with Bulma. However, when he was talking to Goku, he revealed that he liked Bulma’s feistiness. Goku agrees with Vegeta and says that’s how he feels about Chi-Chi.

In a funny moment, Vegeta explains that Saiyans are hardwired to be attracted to strong women, with Piccolo freaking out saying that it makes so much sense. This means that Vegeta and Bulma really are the perfect pair together even though they may have their agruments from time to time.

1Vegeta Cares About Bulma More Than the Universe

Vegeta was Willing to Put Aside his Pride and Die for his Family

During the Tournament of Power, all the universes were on the line and faced being erased. As prideful as Vegtea is, he is willing to sacrifice himself yet again. However, his primary motivation was not to save the whole universe but to protect Bulma, Trunks, and the newly-born Bulla.

Although this is a very similar character beat to the Majin Buu arc, he had no struggle to make the decision this time. At this point in Vegeta’s life, Bulma and the rest of his family are his reason for fighting, and he is willing to do anything to ensure their safety. It’s this love that Vegeta and Bulma have that makes him the strongest that he’s ever been in the series so far.

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