
Allies With Chris Reilly, Julian Ovenden, Matt Willis

“Allies” (2014) is a British war film directed by Dominic Burns. Set during World War II, the film follows a group of British soldiers as they embark on a dangerous mission behind enemy lines in Nazi-occupied France.

The story begins in 1944, shortly before the D-Day invasion. Captain Gabriel Jackson, played by Julian Ovenden, leads a team of soldiers tasked with a crucial mission that could change the course of the war. Their objective is to link up with French resistance fighters and disrupt the German defenses ahead of the Allied invasion.

The team faces numerous challenges as they navigate through enemy territory. They encounter fierce resistance from German forces, and the mission becomes increasingly perilous. Along the way, the soldiers bond, face their fears, and make significant sacrifices. The film delves into themes of bravery, camaraderie, and the harsh realities of war.

As the mission unfolds, Captain Jackson and his men must overcome treachery, betrayal, and the brutality of the enemy. The stakes are high, and the success of their mission is critical for the success of the Allied invasion of Normandy. The film builds towards a tense and action-packed climax, highlighting the courage and determination of the soldiers involved.Xem bản dịch+2Tất cả cảm xúc:37

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