“I Am Legend 2” (2025) continues the post-apocalyptic story of Robert Neville (Will Smith), the last surviving scientist in a world devastated by a virus. This sequel takes place after the events of the first film, where Neville seemingly sacrificed his life to save humanity. However, a shocking revelation shows that Neville is still alive and continues to fight against the Darkseekers, creatures transformed by the virus.
In this new installment, Michael B. Jordan plays a new character, another survivor with his own story, who tracks down Neville and teams up with him to confront an even greater threat from the Darkseekers. The world has drastically changed, with survivors scattered and struggling to survive in a hostile, dangerous environment.
“I Am Legend 2” promises intense action sequences, along with deep psychological development of the characters as they face difficult decisions and fight to protect humanity from complete extinction. The film blends elements of horror, science fiction, and action, continuing Neville’s journey of survival and redemption in a perilous post-apocalyptic world.