Loki’s character is one of the biggest talking points in One Piece right now, and there is certainly a good reason for that.
As fans know, Loki is a monstrously powerful individual who was first introduced to the readers in the Whole Cake Island arc. Ever since then, he has slowly been incorporated more into the story, and Elbaf has finally revealed him completely to all the readers. It is safe to say that Oda has absolutely nailed Loki’s introduction in the Elbaf Arc.
Everything about him, such as his strength and even his personality, is perfectly fitting what this individual should represent, to say the least. At this point in time, fans think of Loki as a villain, and while there is a strong basis for thinking that Loki is an enemy at this point in time, fans might be surprised to see later down the line that Loki is actually an ally of sorts.
Loki’s Meeting With Luffy And Set Up As A Villain

Loki Killed His Father To Eat A Devil Fruit
Loki And Luffy Had A Hostile Meeting
When Loki was first introduced in One Piece chapter 1130, the introduction that Oda gave him easily made him look like a villain. For one, Oda made it seem as if Loki was hated by everyone in Elbaf, especially after it was revealed that he killed his own father, Harald, to eat a Devil Fruit. Once he consumed this devil fruit, Loki thought that he was now the Sun God and the destroyer of the world. This might seem extreme to quite a lot of people, however, but when looking at the culture in elbaf, which glorifies war and violence, this isn’t out of the ordinary. The only thing that Loki did wrong was kill his own father. But, once again, fans don’t know what kind of a person King Harald even was, and whether Loki’s killing of him was justified or not.
I am the Sun God who will destroy the world! – Loki
Even if Loki’s killing of King Harald was not justified, fans know that this character, despite having an evil side, can still be helpful to the Straw Hat Pirates. It is also interesting to note that Luffy, who is a very good judge of character, did not even feel threatened by Loki even a bit. He could sense his magnificent energy from far, but at the same time, not feel as if he was an enemy. In fact, Luffy went up close to Loki without much trouble and even started conversing with them as if they were friends. Clearly, Luffy’s behavior towards Loki is more indicative of what kind of a character he’s going to be in the story, and as things stand, he certainly does not look like a villain at all.
That is precisely why One Piece fans might be wrong about Loki and why there might be more to his character than meets the eye. Although it is undeniable that Loki is being portrayed as sort of a villain at this point in the story, it is highly likely that as One Piece continues, Loki’s character will grow richer and fans will get to see him for what he truly is.
Why Loki Isn’t Elbaf’s Main Villain
There Are Bigger Enemies To Tackle In The Elbaf Arc of One Piece

The reason why Loki is not Elbaf’s main villain is quite simple. For one, Loki doesn’t seem like a massive threat to Luffy. Luffy is a great judge of character and if he truly believed Loki to be an enemy, then he would act accordingly. Clearly, as things stand, Luffy does not think Loki is an enemy of his, and fans have no reason to believe that either, despite how much other characters in the story paint him to be a major villain.
At the same time, fans know that Loki claims himself to be the Sun God. He also claims that he is the destroyer of the world. But, fans know that the Sun God itself is an entity that brings peace and liberates people all over the world. The Sun God is a good deity, and not an evil one, which means that if Loki is to be the Sun God, then he most certainly cannot be evil.
Loki seems more misinformed than anything, and that certainly means that he is not here to serve the role of a major villain, but to fight alongside the actual Sun God and the one who truly bears this identity, which is, Straw Hat Luffy.
Free me, and I’ll destroy a crew of your choosing for you! – Loki
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Luffy and Loki won’t fight. After all, Loki promised to kill Luffy the second he broke free of his chains. This essentially proves that Loki is trying to deceive Luffy and that would play into his trickster nature as well. But, once again, fans know that Luffy is more than confident in his abilities, and at the same time, is a great judge of character.

Even if Loki were to attack Luffy once he’s freed, Luffy will handle the threat by himself, and eventually, stop Loki. Following this, fans will most likely get to see these two cooperate, and that can only come in the face of a bigger threat that can emerge at a later point in this arc.
Who Will Be The Main Villain In Elbaf?
The World Government Could Get Involved In Elbaf In Some Way

As things stand, Elbaf does not have a major villain. So far, Oda is only building up Loki to be a big threat for the entire country, and that might very well be true for the first half of this arc. However, eventually, Elbaf will need a bigger threat than Loki if this Arc is to move the fans. This threat can come in the form of the World Government, which is the only organization capable of destroying this land. As to why the World Government would attack Elbaf, the answer is quite simple. Luffy is currently on Elbaf, and this is something that every single member of the World Government is very well aware of. Imu themself knows of Luffy’s location, and that of the Straw Hat Pirates. This especially means that Imu can use Uranus to destroy Elbaf.
Up until now, Imu did not have the fuel, called Mother Flame, required to power up the Uranus again and destroy his enemies. This time around, however, thanks to York, Imu has acquired more Mother Flame and, at the same time, the means to create more Mother Flame as well. There is absolutely nothing stopping Imu from wiping out Elbaf, which means essentially, the biggest villain in this arc could potentially be an ancient weapon, which could bring about the destruction of the entire country. Luffy, Loki, and the Straw Hat Pirates will most certainly have to work together in order to stop this monstrously powerful Ancient Weapon and prevent the destruction of this land.
Of course, all this will certainly take time to build up, or it might not even happen. However, theorizing over various ideas is the true beauty of One Piece, and fans absolutely cannot wait to see what happens next in the series as the arc continues.