Loki is one of the most exciting One Piece characters right now and there certainly is a reason for that. Fans know him to be a very powerful individual who also holds tremendous significance in Elbaf, more specifically due to his royal lineage.
Recently, fans got to see a meeting between Loki and Luffy, and this union was only the beginning of things. These characters have finally started to get along and, at the same time, potentially even form an exciting rivalry.
Elbaf has much more to offer than just that, and fans absolutely cannot wait to see these character relationships being formed even further. At the same time, fans know that Loki has a relationship not just with Luffy, but also with Shanks, as was confirmed in One Piece chapter 1131. What kind of a relationship this is and what Loki wants from him is very exciting and remains to be seen.
Loki’s Claim Of Being The Sun God

Loki Claims To Have a Legendary Devil Fruit
Loki’s Power Might Make Him The Sun God
When it comes to Loki, the very first thing that fans need to keep in mind is that he claims to be the Sun God. This came as a surprise to some fans, but not entirely, because a lot of the characters in the Elbaf Arc of One Piece have already claimed to be the mighty Sun God. For instance, Road of the New Giant Warrior Pirates called himself the Sun God as well, and fans already know that Luffy himself is the Sun God as well. Now, Loki is the third character in the series who has labeled himself to be the Sun God, and that’s certainly exciting in more ways than one.
I’m the Sun God who will destroy the world! – Loki
The real reason why Loki claims to be the Sun God is unknown, as things stand. However, what fans do know is that Loki killed his own father, King Harald, a few years ago, and once he did that, he then went on to eat a legendary Devil Fruit that had been passed down the royal line in the country of Elbaf. What exactly this Devil Fruit is and what it does isn’t known just yet, but fans know for sure that Loki has its powers, as confirmed by the Giants themselves. It is likely due to this Devil Fruit that Loki thinks he is the Sun God and the chosen one, because this legendary Devil Fruit carries great importance.
There is a reason why this fruit was passed down Elbaf’s royal line, and why it was being preserved for these centuries. Clearly, the indication here is that this Devil Fruit was being saved for a certain someone who would then go on to fulfill some kind of a century-old promise, which is very similar to the concept of Joy Boy and the Sun God Nika. Of course, the specifics of this whole ordeal aren’t clear to the fans just yet, but eventually, One Piece will reveal to the fans everything pertaining to Loki’s claim of being the Sun God and, at the same time, what Oda intends to do with this Devil Fruit.
Why Shanks Met Loki In The Past

Loki And Shanks Could Have A Huge History
Loki and Shanks Met Recently In Elbaf
Curiously enough, when one speaks of the Sun God, Shanks comes into the picture. Although Shanks’s true motivations are unknown at this point, what fans know is that he’s definitely aware of the myth surrounding the Sun God and is quite easily linked to this figure. For one, fans know that around 12 years ago, Shanks stole the powerful Gomu Gomu no Mi, which, as is clear in the story, is also called the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika. More recently, he could clearly recognize Luffy’s new form and didn’t even look surprised by the all-white silhouette that Luffy bore. This is once again an indication of the fact that Shanks knew about Nika. Another intriguing thing to keep in mind is that Shanks, despite being strong enough to try and claim the One Piece from the beginning, only chose to act once Luffy awakened his Devil Fruit and was close to his level. Clearly, Shanks’s connection to the Sun God is significant and he has a duty to fulfill.
Naturally, this means that once Loki consumed his Devil Fruit and started claiming to be the Sun God, Shanks would have had more than just one reason to go and visit him. Loki’s power would obviously attract Shanks’s attention, after all, the people of Elbaf believe Loki to have the power to destroy the country, and that certainly does appear to be in line with being the Sun God who will go on to destroy the world. Perhaps, Shanks wanted to get a measure of Loki himself, and even more than that, it is possible that Shanks rejected Loki as the Sun God. This could be one of the reasons why Loki hates Shanks and has a grudge against him.

Loki believes himself to be the Sun God, but Shanks, upon getting a measure of him, likely clearly told him that despite having the legendary Devil Fruit of Elbaf, he is not the Sun God and not the person who is going to go on and destroy the world. This is one of the reasons why Loki seems to have a hostile relationship with the likes of Shanks.
Did Loki Know About Luffy?
Loki Could’ve Heard About Luffy From Shanks

It is also possible that Loki already knew about Luffy before meeting him in One Piece chapter 1130. As fans know, Shanks is one of Luffy’s biggest fans, and wherever he goes, he mentions him. This is evident from the fact that Shanks talked about Luffy to Rayleigh and was one of the reasons why the Dark King was so excited to meet the Straw Hat pirate in the first place when he visited Sabaody Archipelago. It is possible that Shanks does that wherever he goes. Another indication of this is the fact that Shanks mentioned Luffy to Dracule Mihawk once his new bounty poster came out, not knowing that Mihawk had already experienced Luffy’s character firsthand.
Regardless, it is entirely possible that once Shanks came to Elbaf, he made it clear to Loki that he is not the Sun God, despite the ability that he holds up his sleeve, and at the same time, there is someone else who he believes is the Sun God and better suited to this title. Naturally, Shanks would have named Luffy. This is one of the reasons why Loki could have been curious about the relationship that these two share in One Piece chapter 1131. Clearly, when the talk of Shanks came up, Loki could sense that Luffy was close to him. Luffy also attacked Loki, which, once again, clarified to him that they were close. This bond with Loki is very interesting, and it is highly likely that Luffy has been brought up in a conversation between Loki and Shanks long ago.