One of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Shanks is an incredibly important character in One Piece who will go on to take a major role in the Final Saga. As fans know, the Final Saga of One Piece is well and truly underway, and Oda himself has stated previously that only in the Final Saga will Shanks truly get to shine.
Now, the series is tackling its most exciting phase, and here, everything about the major characters that Oda has been saving for the Final Saga will be revealed. From Dragon’s connection to Luffy and his endgame, all the way to Shanks, his actions in the past and plans for the future will be revealed here. When it comes to Shanks, another interesting thing that stands out quite a lot is his blood connection to the Celestial Dragons, specifically the noble family of the Figarland. As fans know, Shanks belongs to the Figarland family, and there are quite a few powerful individuals that Oda has teased to be special who belong to this group. In the Final Saga, Oda is going to reveal a lot of exciting details pertaining to them, and individuals who fans never thought would be related to Shanks are going to be elaborated upon here.
Shanks’s Family Of The Figarlands Is A Powerful Bunch

Shanks belongs to a Celestial Dragons Family
Garling Figarland Is At The Top Of The Family
The Figarland family was first teased in One Piece Film Red which premiered around 2 years ago. One Piece Film Red was massively connected to Shanks and fans got to see his relationship with the character named Uta, along with a lot more information pertaining to his past with Luffy. Shanks’s motives were also somewhat hinted at in this movie, but most importantly, his familial connections to the Figarlands of the Celestial Dragons were also teased by the Gorosei. As fans know, the Celestial Dragons are essentially made of 20 major families.
Is she a part of the Figarland Family? – Shanks
The Founding 20 came together after defeating the Ancient Kingdom, and their descendants are known today as the Celestial Dragons. Of course among the celestial dragons, certain individuals and families take precedence, and the Figarlands are one of them. Shanks’s connection to the Figarland family was teased in One Piece Film Red by the Gorosei when they spoke of Uta. According to them, she could’ve been a Figarland simply due to her connection to Shanks, which indirectly confirms Shanks to be a member of this family.
Later on, in One Piece’s Final Saga, specifically in the flashback of Kuma, fans got to see a younger Garling Figarland. To be clear, Garling was first introduced as the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights in the current timeline, where he appears to be an old man. However, around 38 years ago, during the time of the God Valley incident, a younger Garling was shown to the fans, and the resemblance that he bore to Shanks was uncanny. Garling Figarland looked just like Shanks, much to the surprise of the fans and it was clear for the fans to see that he was incredibly powerful as well. In fact, Garling was so strong that he earned the title of the Champion of God Valley. What’s more, Oda recently went on to confirm that Garling is a very strong character and that there’s a secret behind his strength as well. There are also other characters as well who, although haven’t been revealed to be a part of the Figarland Family, have strongly been hinted at.
Why Shanks Is Not An Only Child
Shanks Will Definitely Have Siblings

Much to the surprise of the fans, Shanks is actually not an only child. This has essentially been confirmed in God Valley which fans got to see during Kuma flashback. There, Gargling Figarland was seen addressing his children while performing in the Native Hunting Games. From how the scene played out, Garling essentially told his children to watch him carefully in battle. The fact that Garling referred to more than one child, means that Shanks is not an only child in One Piece.
Unfortunately, fans do not know much about Shanks’s siblings. But, what is clear is that Shanks was a baby when Roger found him, so either they’re older than him, or the same age as him, as is the case with Sanji’s brothers. This was confirmed by Oda himself in the panels he drew for One Piece Film Red.
Watch carefully, children! – Garling
Following the God Valley Incident, the treasure that Roger Pirates brought with them to the Oro Jackson contained Shanks as well. It appears that Shanks was being hidden by someone, likely related to Garling, and was accidentally shipped to Roger. What happened to the other children remains to be seen. But, fans can be sure that the Figarland family is going to take a very important role in the Final Saga. Shanks’s relationship to his siblings remains unknown. But this point, he is likely aware of who they are, and his relationship with his father is likely also going to be very interesting.
This all gets all the more interesting when one takes into consideration the fact that Shanks can simply walk into Marijoa and speak to the likes of the Five Elders despite being a pirate, and one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. Perhaps Shanks is not on the worst terms with his family, even though he doesn’t claim to be one of them. That said, Shanks’s overarching goals certainly go against the Figarland family. The Figarlands are certainly hardcore believers of the supremacy of the Celestial Dragons. Saint Garling even went as far as to eliminate a member of the Celestial Dragons, and, as fans know, There are very popular ideas floating around suggesting Shanks’s siblings lead within the ranks of the Gods Knights.
Shanks himself appears to be opposed to the supreme authority of the Gods, and this has been implied directly by Shanks copying Roger’s technique, Kamusari, which literally translates to departure of the Gods. As is clearly implied here, Shanks might just be planning for the destruction of this Celestial Dragons eventually.
How Strong Is The Figarland Family?
The Figarland Family Will Eventually be Revealed

As far as the Figarland family goes, much about them is still under wraps. They are very powerful. Saint Garling Figarland is now a member of the Five Elders, and given that all of them are relative to the Yonko, he’s likely in the same rank as well. Regardless of what role Shanks’s siblings are going to play in One Piece, what fans can be sure about is that they are certainly going to be monsters in terms of strength.

If Shanks has a brother who has been terrorized to be the current head of the God’s Knights, he is likely going to be similar to him in terms of overall power, and if he has a cystep on my she’s certainly going to be a menace as well. Hopefully, the dynamics of the Figarland Family are going to be expanded upon soon in One Piece and fans absolutely cannot wait to see that happen.