One Piece’s recent developments have shocked the fans, and much of that has to do with a very exciting plot point that saw Shanks’s twin brother appear in the Elbaf arc.
It is safe to say that this is one of the biggest twists that fans have seen in the story to date, and this twist is going to have massive repercussions on the Elbaf Arc going forward. The excitement is already through the roof, and, while some questions have been answered, other even bigger questions have now been raised, which fans intend to get the answer to in the upcoming few chapters.
What matters most right now, however, is the character that was just introduced in One Piece who happens to be Shanks’s twin brother. Interestingly enough, Shanks’s twin brother was not introduced in One Piece out of absolutely nowhere. In fact, Oda had already hinted at the presence of this individual in the story a while ago.
Oda Reveals Shanks Has A Twin Brother

Oda just revealed a Shanks lookalike in One Piece 1134
Finally, the mystery of One Piece 907 is answered
In One Piece chapter 1134, Oda officially revealed to the fans that Shanks has a twin brother. This development came as a shock to some fans. Shanks was always going to be a massive character in the Final Saga of One Piece. Every fan was expecting to hear the biggest secrets about Shanks here, but one thing that they absolutely were not expecting in this arc was being introduced to Shanks’s brother. In One Piece chapter 1134, the story took a very exciting turn. While Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates were continuing their meeting with Saul in the Owl’s Library, a massive threat showed up in Elbaf. Right when the Giant Warrior Pirates, along with the Giants, were preparing for the massive feast that they planned on having with Luffy, a massive bolt of black lightning struck the castle right next to Elbaf Village. This appears to be the same castle where King Harald ruled from. It appears that this castle is completely empty, which would make sense, given that Elbaf has not had a king for quite a while, and that means there is no royalty inside at the moment.
Inside the castle, fans could see a massive summoning circle, and this summoning circle was surrounded by huge flames. It was clear for the fans to see that this flaming circle was very similar to the one that Saturn emerged out of in the Egghead arc. When the other Elders were called to Egghead By Saturn, this very same summoning circle appeared back then as well. This time around, however, no elder appeared out of the summoning circle. Instead, two individuals who were In a garb showed up with their faces being completely covered.
On the very last panel of the chapter, fans could see the faces of these characters clearly. One of them appears to be an unknown woman, who has bandage over half her face and one of her eyes covered, while the other character looks exactly like Shanks. In fact, even the side profile that fans got in this chapter was actually the same one that they got in One Piece chapter 907, back when Shanks was presumed to have met with the Five Elders.
How Oda Hinted At Shanks Having A Twin
Oda Dropped A Hint About Garling’s Children

Oda had already hinted at Shanks having siblings. This should not come as a surprise to any fan with a keen eye. The very first thing that needs to be said is Oda kept implying in the story that there was a character who looked just like Shanks. The very first hint of this came after the events of the Wano Country arc, where Dragon spoke of the God’s Knights for the first time. Clearly, an individual with a silhouette similar to Shanks popped up, and at the time, fans did not pay much attention to it, simply because this was a silhouette, and Oda’s silhouettes are known to be widely inaccurate. But, questions were asked by the readers about this silhouette matching that of Shanks.
This happened once again, when the God’s Knights were imagined rather recently in One Piece, and once again, all of them were in silhouette. This time around, the character also matched Shanks, which led many fans to believe that the head of the God’s Knights will have something to do with the Figarland Family.
In fact, the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights Was already revealed to be Saint Garling Figarland, Shanks’s dad, and his son would be a member of the God’s Knights as well. Things were taken one step further in the Egghead arc, where Oda revealed an individual with a sword just like Shanks, and with a face, covered in silhouette, that matched that of Shanks as well.
Watch carefully, children! – Saint Garling Figarland
If all this was not enough, the Kuma flashback that fans got in the Egghead Arc clearly showed a younger version of Saint Garling Figarland on God Valley. There, Garling had his children with him, and he asked all of them to carefully keep watching him while he fought. The fact that Garling referred to more than just one child was proof that Shanks had siblings in One Piece and because of that, it should not come as a surprise to the fans that an individual who looks just like Shanks has now made his appearance.
Oda Refuses To Answer A Big Question About Shanks
Oda Purposely Avoided a Question About Shanks’s Secret

While it only became clear to the fans that Shanks has siblings, some fans were curious about Shanks’s siblings long before the Final Saga even began. In fact, some had asked Oda by the Shanks is actually two people long ago, and Oda refused to answer this question. The idea was the Shanks having stopped Kaido long ago and then appearing on Marineford on the same day was impossible. Yet, he somehow pulled this off. Here’s what Oda was asked regarding Shanks’s twin long ago:
F (Q): You might’ve been asked this thousands of times already, not sure, but is Shanks two different persons? F: You know, since Shanks is sometimes drawn without his scar, plus he arrived at the Paramount War so quickly with unbelievable speed (despite having just fought Kaido)…
O: (censored)
Clearly, Oda refuses to answer the question here, which adds fuel to the fire that Shanks is actually more than just one person. But, it must be said that the person who fought Kaido was most definitely Shanks and this is clear from the fact that Kaido has Shanks high up the list of people that he fought. At the same time, the brother of Shanks would have no reason to stop Kaido, especially when he planned on intercepting Whitebeard and preventing him from going to the Paramount War. That would actually have aided the Government, which means that the fake Shanks would have had no reason to do that.
Regardless, it is interesting to see that some fans have noticed inconsistencies with Shanks’s character, such as his scar, among other things, and have been wondering for ages whether he has a twin brother. Now, Oda has finally provided everyone with an answer, and fans are waiting to see what developments take place next.